Vendor Forms
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires Temple University to obtain appropriate taxpayer identification information before issuing payments through the accounts payable system. In place of the IRS form W-9, Temple University has a substitute form W-9 for each vendor/individual to complete before payment is released.
Each university department is responsible for requesting the initial substitute form W-9 from new vendors. Additionally, the Accounts Payable Office will annually follow IRS guidelines for requesting updated taxpayer information for existing vendors in which the university does not have a current one on file or receives an IRS notice of missing or incorrect taxpayer identification numbers.
The University will withhold taxes and submit to the IRS should a vendor fail or refuse to present a completed W-9 or provides the university with invalid information. Backup withholding will continue on all payments made to the vendor/individual until an updated W-9 is received.
Visit Quick Links for vendor and business partners for a complete list of forms.